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This is a basic guide / area that includes some general troubleshooting tips, techniques, thoughts towards helping ISLE users. This section is to grow over time.

Docker Service and Firewalls

While it is best practice to run the Docker service with a firewall like iptables, some cases, issues can arise depending on which service has been restarted and configured.

  • Ensure that all ports exposed on containers and hosts (see your docker-compose.yml for these ports) are added to the iptables rules and persistent. Do note that only ports 80 & 443 should ever be open to the public Internet.

  • Suggested service start order:

    • The firewall be started / restart first
    • The Docker service started / restarted second
    • ISLE containers started / restart third
  • Some errors like "Failed to find document" are an indication of materials being blocked improperly. Try following the Suggested service start order: above to resolve these type of issues.

  • On occasion, being unable to import an object, or edit a mods datastream are indications of materials being blocked improperly. Try following the Suggested service start order: above to resolve these type of issues.